Friday, December 7, 2012

PR Group Project

Usually when I am assigned a group project I begin to freak out. I am typically the type that does not like to rely on others to get work done. Though this is true, Meagan LaMarche, Emily Stevenson, Para Pirzada and I decided to do our group project together and I am happy that we did. All four of us girls are hardworking individuals, who always put forth our best effort. Each group member brought new and stimulating ideas to the table.
Also, I feel that we all listened and respected one another’s opinions, which allowed us to work well together.  We met a total of four times, including the one class session that we were given to work on the assignment. At each group meeting we all stayed focused upon making our project fantastic and different.
For our television public service announcement (PSA) we decided that we wanted to create something that would be easy for teenagers to relate to. We wanted this because drinking and driving is such a horrific problem that many teens are faced with every day. So, we decided to focus our PSA on the movie Mean Girls, which is a beloved movie by many young adults. The actors and actresses in the movie play high school students and show different scenarios that those their age partake in. One of these scenarios is underage drinking and actress Lindsay Lohan has been known to be in trouble with the law for drinking and driving.  This gave us the idea to tie the illegal issue of driving under the influence and the movie together to promote not drinking and driving.
For the two radio PSA's we chose to use the fear tactic and factual tactic. The PSA that uses the fear tactic is meant to portray how a mother would feel after losing her daughter due to someone’s naive decision to drink and drive. The intentions of this are to cause the listeners to feel sympathetic for the mother and to make them think before they get behind the wheel after consuming alcoholic beverages. Our second radio PSA states multiple statistics on drinking and driving to show how serious of an issue it truly is.
Not only did our group complete these PSA’s in a professional manner, but we also created an outstanding for the Communications department at Eastern Connecticut State University. To do so, we as a group came together to brainstorm about different article topics. We wrote about things that would intrigue a communications student such as the trip that will be taking place abroad, what careers you can pursue after receiving your degree and more.
Overall, I think my group did an excellent job in working together, creating a superb project and being open to each other’s ideas. The one thing that we found challenging was finding time periods in which we could all meet outside of class, but besides everything ran smoothly. If given the chance to start the project over, I would choose the same group again.            

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