Friday, November 16, 2012

PSA: Cigarettes Don't Have a Brain

          The FEMA Public Service Announcement is a reminder to put out cigarettes completely before going to sleep. The PSA contains a picture of a man sleeping while holding a cigarette that is about to cause a fire. This picture grabs the audiences attention and gets them to read the information provided. The picture is slightly faded and placed in the background so that the wording stands out and is an easy read. The only part of the picture that is not faded is the cigarette, which makes the issue at hand stand out. In bold yellow print a catchy saying is used, “cigarettes don’t know when you are asleep.” This saying is meant to state an obvious fact that is overlooked by so many who smoke. Following this saying a statement is made to show why putting out your cigarette completely is so important. The statement tells the spectator that smoking is the number one cause of house fires. 
This PSA uses the fear and reflection tactic. Fear is used in the advertisement because it is saying that if you don’t put out a cigarette your house may catch on fire. This causes you to reflect upon the message and think of all the damage that may be caused by a fire. At the bottom of the page a call for action is stated that says, “if you smoke put it out all the way, all the time.” Then a web site is provided so that the reader can obtain more information upon the subject. The PSA closes with and explanation of what the organization  does and their logo.  

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