Friday, September 14, 2012

The Truth Behind Corporations

          After watching the documentary “The Corporation” I was sickened by what I learned. I now see the marketing world as a deceitful and corrupt business. The film shows just how far a corporation may go to earn money. Ethics are disregarded by many corporations.
Brainwashing begins at a young age through the use of marketing. Corporations work hard to captivate the minds of the young. It is well known that when children nag their parents repetitively for a certain product, they are likely to get what they want. The film discusses a study that was executed to track children’s nagging habits. Though this sounds harmless, it is not.
Parents who participated in the study were asked to track their children’s nagging habits in a diary. The information obtained by the study was used to discover new methods of getting children to nag their parents more often. No it is not wrong to make products for children, but it is wrong to market to those who do not have an income.
The brainwashing of children is not the only unethical issue discussed in the film. It is also stated that it is not against the law to lie in the news. This truly upsets me. I cannot believe that a news station can lie to its viewers. A few years ago Fox News was informed that a certain milk company was found as a possible cause of cancer due to hormone injections in the cows. Fox stooped to an all time low. They ran a false and misleading story to protect themselves and the company. They even fired people with moral intent to protect the lie. Fox chose to put peoples lives in harms way over losing money.
I feel that most corporations put their success and wealth before their moral ethics. As stated organizations have performed studies in which their intended outcome was to brainwash children more effectively. This is wrong for many reasons. Parents struggle to support their families and provide them with materialistic products.
To place more pressure on parents to satisfy their children’s wants is not fair or ethical.  This makes living in such an expensive world more difficult. Also, knowing the news that we have come to rely on and trust feeds us lies, is a frightening matter. It is apparent that the news does not have our best interest in mind nor does it show much hope for our future generations.   

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